Monday, June 26, 2006

Oh the agony
This fucking toothache.

Dammit..fuck... this fucking whorebag..dicksmacking toothache.

Like I don't have enough flippin' issues right now... ? Really ?

The dentist is my arch enemy. All dentists are. When it's time for the girls to go I pretend it's fabulous and blah blah blah...I want them to have the luxury of fantastic teeth.

That luxury is long gone for me. Not having dental insurance as a kid meant...the only time we went to the dentist was if you had an abcess the size of a watermelon growing from your face. Didn't matter if you were in pain...or couldn't take a drink of cold water that was too damn wasn't bad enough until pus oozed from your mouth, and it looked like your evil twin was trying to make it's way out through your jaw.

So when I got older and finally went to the was horrible. The man looked in my mouth...and then looked at me like I had a dead body hiding in my molars. He was horrified...and told me that. I was so embarrased and ashamed. turn I've only cut off my nose to spite my face.

I only go when it's absolutely necesary. To me that's just the watermelons, or evil twins.

But I don't want to go ! Last time I had a root canal that STILL hurts...and cost me 700 bucks out of pocket.

So tomorrow...I'm gonna head over to the urgent care at my doctors office and pay 15 bucks...and get some antibiotics...which is what they'll do at the dentist anyway...before they do a root canal. Fuck. That.

I've tried not to be a baby because of I'm just bitchy.

These kids of mine are makin' me nuts. All this bitchin' and moanin' about wanting to eat three times a day is really getting under my skin.

Oh...and of course there's the essential snacks.

"Mom Mom....Mommy...!"

"What ?!?!?"

" What ya doin ? We're hungry"

"Ya just ate dinner 13 minutes ago dammit !"

"Can we have a popsicle ?"

"Popsicles aren't real food...are you hungry or do you just want a popsicle ?"

" We just want a popsicle ?"

20 minutes later...........................

" we have any candy I'm starving ."

Seriously ..I think they are part hummingbird.
They run like mad all day...and eat while running ...stop take a and run...

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