Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I have so much crap to do around this house. I don't even know where to start..I start one thing and then get all wishy washy...and jump to another .

I have fifty damn projects going...and not one finished. Then I get tired just thinking about finishing the shit.

It is a toss up between ADD and procrastination. Why in the hell did I have to get the bad characteristics passed down, where is the good shit ?!?!

My Dad is slightly neurotic about being organized, so why couldn't I of gotten that ? Nope...
Mom is a clean freak....that skipped me too dammit.

I ended up with anxiety, the need to drive too fast, and very good managerial skills...
aka: being bitchy enough to get people to do shit to shut me up.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I've never really written a blog post here...kind of forgot I had it I guess.

But I'm fucking bored today and have already posted at my MSN Space.

I do love my other space, but somehow, it's gotten political .
Not in the democrat/republican sort of way, but more like , so and so is pissed at so and so... they fight like kids on fucking retarded ?!?!

It gets old getting emails from grown people talking shit on other grown people.

Then it's like I really feel the need to write , just because I want to, but I can't say what I feel.
For so many reasons.

So I think I might start using this place more , so that I can do that.